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5 Benefits of Regular House Plumbing Inspections

2/12/2023 (Permalink)

A plumbing inspection is a great way to make sure your house is running smoothly. It can help you avoid costly repairs and major issues down the line. It also helps to ensure that your home or business stays in great condition and performs at its best. Here are some of the top benefits of regular plumbing maintenance.

Saves Money in the Long Run

Regular plumbing inspections can help you save money in the long run by reducing the likelihood of major plumbing issues, reducing the need for emergency plumbing services and expensive repairs, and reducing the need for replacement parts.

As your home's plumbing system ages and wears down, it becomes more susceptible to damage from wear and tear as well. Regular inspections can identify these problems before they become too serious; this saves you time and money on costly repairs down the line.

Improved Water Pressure

The quality of your shower, dishwasher, washing machine, and toilet depends on water pressure. Without it, you may feel like the water trickles rather than pours when you turn on your faucets. Regular plumber inspections can improve your home’s plumbing so that it delivers the amount of pressure needed to meet all your household needs.

Similarly, when drains are slow to drain or don't drain at all—and toilets flush slowly—this means dirty water isn't being evacuated from the home as efficiently as possible. This leads to unnecessary waste that could clog up drains over time, which then requires professional help.

Improved Water Quality

Water quality is an important part of any home. In order to ensure that your water stays at its cleanest, regular house plumbing inspections are essential. A professional plumber will check for leaks in your pipes, identify potential problems before they arise, and provide maintenance advice so that you can keep up with the proper functioning of all aspects of your house plumbing system.

Prevents Major Issues Down The Line

The plumbing system in your home is a complex, interconnected system. If an issue develops in one part of the system, it can affect other parts of the system and cause problems throughout your property. For example, if an older water heater or drain clogs up and causes a major blockage in a pipe, this could lead to a sewage back-up into other areas of your house or business. If left untreated, this backup can cause structural damage that results in costly repairs. Regular inspections by experienced plumbers can help identify these issues before they become major problems that require extensive repairs or replacement work on your part.

Maintains Excellent Performance

Regular inspections of your plumbing system are an excellent way to prevent problems before they arise. These inspections will help keep your plumbing system in good working order, preventing leaks and burst pipes, and reducing the risk of flooding, water damage, mold growth, and health problems.

What’s Involved in an Inspection?

When you hire a professional plumber to inspect your home's plumbing, they will do a lot more than just look at what is going on. They will examine the following:

  • the water pressure
  • the supply lines
  • the drains
  • the toilets
  • the faucets
  • appliances such as your dishwasher, washing machine, and refrigerator

Regular Plumbing Inspections are Important.

Having regular house plumbing inspections is a great way to manage and maintain your home or business. We hope that we’ve convinced you to consider a plumbing inspection. If you do, then you’ll be glad that you did!

Water Mitigation vs. Water Damage Restoration

1/20/2023 (Permalink)

Wet carpet in a home. You will generally need both processes to get your home back to normal.

Water mitigation and water damage restoration are two common methods used by professionals to restore water damage. Many people confuse the two terms, but they are different and serve different purposes. Water mitigation focuses on drying and sanitizing the affected area, while water damage restoration puts the property back to its pre-incident state. Here we will break down the two concepts and show how they are both essential for recovering from a water damage event.

Water Mitigation

Water mitigation puts your property back to its pre-incident state by removing any standing water and drying out the structure. The goal of water mitigation is to prevent mold from growing once it has been removed from a building or home. This may involve drying out wet carpeting and floors with fans or dehumidifiers; removing soaked drywall; cleaning up mold growth caused by excess moisture; etcetera.

During water mitigation, the technicians will work to build a temporary fix to the cause of the water damage. This will ensure the water does not continue to flow into your home or business. It will also ensure that the technicians can focus on getting the water out of the structure in order to minimize the damage as much as possible.

Water Damage Restoration

Water damage restoration is the process of repairing structural and cosmetic damage to a property caused by water intrusion. This is a very common issue, as water damage can occur in any residential or commercial property, for a variety of reasons. Water damage restoration is an important process to follow after a water loss incident because it ensures that your property’s structure has been properly restored to its original condition.

Often, the water damage restoration process needs to start with water mitigation. This process clears the way for the actual restoration to take place. When both processes are complete you will notice that your Boulder, CO home looks better than before because we have returned everything back as close as possible to what it was before your loss occurred (or even better).

The water damage restoration process involves implementing a permanent fix for the cause of the water damage. Whether it's a broken pipe or a hole in the roof, this is the stage where SERVPRO of Lafayette/Louisville will get to work to make sure the cause of the water damage will no longer be a problem.

Mitigation and Restoration Go Hand-In-Hand

In conclusion, water mitigation and water damage restoration are two distinct processes that are used to address the issue of water damage in buildings. Water mitigation is the process of reducing the amount of water damage that occurs after a water damage event starts, typically through the use of techniques such as drying out the water with fans and dehumidifiers. Water damage restoration, on the other hand, is the process of repairing and restoring a building or structure that has already been damaged by water. You will generally need both processes to get your home back to normal.

Fire Protection Tips for Your Valuables

12/6/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Protection Tips for Your Valuables

Fires are scary and can happen at any time without warning. Fire damage is also very costly. If your home has been damaged by fire, you may be wondering what you can do to prevent it from happening again. Thankfully, there are several things that both homeowners and renters can do to protect their valuables from the damaging effects of fire, and they don’t have to be expensive or difficult!

More Than Insurance

If you’re serious about protecting your valuables from fire damage, you need to consider insurance. You should make sure that your insurance policy is up-to-date and includes what it needs to in order to cover the right kinds of damages. If not, talk with your broker or agent about adding coverage for specific items or situations (like fires).

You should absolutely invest in proper insurance to protect your home and valuables from potential fire damage. If a fire does occur, it's easy to think that you're going to need everything replaced right away. But often, experts recommend waiting until the smoke clears before making any big purchases. Insurance provides you with time to think about what items are truly important for you, and which ones can wait until later on down the line when things have settled down a bit.

Fireproof Storage

A fireproof safe can keep your valuables safe from the heat of a fire. Fireproof storage containers are another option for protecting your belongings from the heat of a fire. These containers come in many shapes and sizes, so you can choose one that fits your needs best.

Fireproof storage cabinets are another great choice if you're looking for protection against extreme temperatures. They provide an extra layer of protection in case there's an emergency evacuation. 

If storing small items is more important than hiding larger ones, then look into getting some fireproof boxes instead! These boxes are small enough not only to fit on shelves but also under beds and nightstands so they won't be too noticeable but still provide valuable protection against disasters like floods that might cause water damage inside homes due all sorts things like leaks coming through windows/doors etcetera.

Choosing a Security C.

Another way to help protect your valuables from a fire is to work with a reputable security company that can alert you when a fire breaks out in your home. When you’re looking for a security company, it’s important to choose one that offers a variety of services—including home alarm systems, fire alarms and sprinkler systems. Make sure the company has been in business for at least five years and has at least three references from satisfied customers. Ask about their history and reputation as well as their customer service record. If there are any complaints against them, ask how they handled them. Also ask what kind of warranty the system will come with (some companies offer lifetime warranties).

You can prevent most fire damage by taking precautions and insuring your valuables.

The best way to prevent fire damage is by taking the proper precautions. If you take the time to purchase a few basic fire-prevention tools, they’ll pay off in the long run and can help you save money on insurance costs. The most important thing is to know what your valuables are worth, so you can make informed decisions about how best to protect them from potential fires.

Fireproof safes are a good option for protecting valuables because they offer multiple layers of protection through heavy-duty steel construction, high-tech insulation materials, and some models even offer reinforced walls that won't melt when exposed to heat sources like fires or ovens. These safes also have burglar alarms installed within them so that if someone tries breaking into one while it's closed up tight then they'll trigger an alarm at once! You never have to worry about anyone stealing anything since no one else knows where they're hidden away except yourself -- plus there won't be any smoke damage either since all these items have been stored safely inside without being exposed directly outside elements such as sunlight

We want you to be prepared for all types of fires by reading this article and being aware of the steps that you can take to protect your valuables. Your home is one of your biggest investments and we want it to last as long as possible. So start planning now!

How Do You Know if You Have a Roof Leak?

11/3/2022 (Permalink)

How Do You Know if You Have a Roof Leak?

Water leaks are a homeowner's worst nightmare. They can waste a lot of money, damage your home, and put you at risk for mold growth. If you think you have a roof leak that needs repair, here are some things to look out for.

Shingle damage

Shingles are designed to withstand a lot of abuse, but they aren't indestructible. Hail and high winds can cause shingles to be lifted and torn off the roof. Ice dams will do the same thing as well. A roof leak that was caused by a sagging or rotting deck should be repaired right away before it becomes worse and causes more damage to your home's structure. The longer you wait for this type of repair, the harder it will be for you when it comes time to replace your roofing materials.

If your shingles have been damaged, there's a good chance that there is some sort of water infiltration problem with your roof as well; otherwise, why would they have become damaged in the first place? Water leakage across seams and through layers of shingle will quickly lead to mold problems behind walls and ceilings - which could then lead further structural damage down the road if left untreated. Take care now so that later doesn't cost even more money (and stress).


Even if you don't see the leak right away, mold can still grow. Mold is a fungus that grows in damp areas. It can grow on wood, drywall, and other surfaces. Mold looks like spots or splotches of black, green, or white fuzz on your ceiling or walls. Repairing a roof leak quickly will help protect your Lafayette, CO home from mold damage.

Ceiling stains

If your ceiling has black mold, black streaks, or black spots that have been there for a while, this is likely the result of water damage. If you see pink or red discoloration in addition to these stains, it means that the wood under your ceiling has been damaged by moisture. The same is true if you see blue discoloration.

Spots on the ceiling

If you see spots on your ceiling and aren't sure why it could be because of a roof leak. However, it could also be due to condensation or even water damage caused by other issues like plumbing problems. Therefore, if you suspect that there's a leak in your roof but don't know for certain, it's best to call a professional.

Water in your light fixtures

Water in your light fixtures is a sign that you have a roof leak. When it rains, water will run down the edges of your home and can enter through cracks and crevices in your roof or around the attic vents. If you’re experiencing water damage, you may notice mold growing on the ceiling or walls in these areas.

Once you’re sure there’s a leak, take a look at how far back it goes: if only one area is damaged but everything else looks fine, chances are it just needs some minor repairs rather than an entire replacement.

  • If you notice any of these signs, you should call a roofing professional right away to stop the leak before more damage occurs.
  • If you notice any of these signs, you should call a roofing professional right away to stop the leak before more damage occurs.
  • Water stains on your ceiling or walls—especially if they are in the same spot
  • Raised spots on your ceilings or walls—these may be caused by mold and mildew
  • Mold growth near windows or doors that have been left open for extended periods of time

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call a professional like SERVPRO of Lafayette/Louisville. We offer free inspections, so call us today at (303) 604-6607 to schedule yours.

How Do I File a Claim After a Fire?

10/11/2022 (Permalink)

Soot damage caused by severe fire in a home SERVPRO of Lafayette/Louisville is available 24/7, and we will make Fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

How Do I File a Claim Following a Fire?

If you have had a fire in your Valmont, CO home, there are many questions to ask and decisions to make. One of the most important things that you can do is file a claim with your insurance company. Here’s what you need to know about filing a fire damage claim:

Filing a Damage Claim 

After a fire, one of the first things you should do is contact your insurance company and file a claim. There are deadlines for all sorts of different types of claims, so it’s important to know when you need to make your claim. These deadlines will vary from state to state and from insurance company to insurance company, but they can be anywhere from 24 hours after the loss occurred up until 90 days later. It’s best not to wait too long before filing a claim because if you do, then it may be harder for them to investigate what happened. 

There are two types of claims: property damage claims and personal injury claims. Property damage claims include things like water damage cleanup services or structural repairs needed after fire damage has been done, whereas personal injury claims cover medical costs related directly due to injuries sustained during an incident. 

Call a Professional Restoration Service 

When it comes to fire damage, the best thing you can do is call a professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Lafayette/Louisville as soon as possible. Our certified technicians will be able to assess the extent of your fire damage and help you get it cleaned up quickly so that your home is ready for repairs.

If there is structural damage to your home, call a professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Lafayette/Louisville to help mitigate the damage while they wait for the insurance adjuster to come out.

File Your Claim as Soon as Possible

To begin with, contact your insurance company as soon as possible after a fire has occurred. Most policies do require you to notify them within a reasonable amount of time after the loss occurs, so call as soon as you can (if not immediately). Also check your policy or contact your agent for more information about how claims work and what types of claims will be covered under different policies.


If you are not sure what type of claim to file or how to do it, talk to your insurance agent. They will be able to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Avoid Lingering Odors from Flooding

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

Storm damage in a store Flood damage in Louisville, CO.

When a business in Louisville, CO, experiences water issues, the problem isn’t just the wetness. Even after the issue seems to have been resolved, lingering odors mean there is likely mold growth happening. If the cause was flood water, there are likely other contaminants that could be left behind if not properly cleaned. Whether it’s a little or a lot of water, a water and mold remediation expert can ensure your property is thoroughly dried, cleaned and sanitized.

Residual Effects of Water Damage

A severe storm, pipe burst, sewage loss or roof leak are just a few potential causes of water damage. No matter what the source is, getting it repaired as quickly as possible is essential to preventing further problems. If the damage continues to spread, it can easily turn into more than just a moisture problem. Along with having to throw away damaged belongings, structural and long-term problems can begin to form.

  • Mold growth can begin to happen with 48 hours. If the situation isn’t revolved, mold spores will begin to spread to unaffected areas.
  • Drywall and ceilings can begin to sag and lose integrity.
  • Electrical components can begin to corrode, creating potential safety hazards.
  • Saturated insulation can increase mold growth, as well as loses its ability to resist heat.
  • Wood floors can easily become warped, as well as be breeding grounds for mold.

Advanced Tools Eradicate Lingering Effects

In most of the above, mold is a key issue. Instead of hoping for the best or replacing items, which can get expensive, a restoration company can restore many things that are considered unsalvageable, repair affected areas, eradicate mold and deodorize to ensure those lingering effects aren’t able to linger. Depending on the type of damage, there are various cleaning methods to eliminate mold growth and odors, all of which use the latest technology to get your business back to new.

While dealing with water damage may seem like a hassle, leaving it unchecked will make it a much bigger problem. Getting the right help can help make it “Like it never even happened.”

3 Ways To Lower Mold Spore Counts

8/21/2022 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Lower The Concentration Of Mold Spores

Mold spore counts will rise as long as fungal growth continues unabated in a commercial building. Building owners are responsible for the removal and remediation of mold, which may involve running a high-efficiency particulate air filter and scheduling air duct and carpet cleaning. Here are three of the best ways to lower the concentration of mold spores in a building located in Lafayette, CO.

1. Run a HEPA Filter

The vast majority of fungus spores range from two microns up to 20 microns, with some measuring as large as 100 microns. HEPA air filters capture and remove at least 99.97% of airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns.

Connecting a HEPA filter to a building HVAC system or running one or more free-standing air filtration systems rated for the size of interior spaces can make quick work of filtering out spores once the source of an infestation has been eliminated.

2. Schedule a Carpet Cleaning

Mold spores may settle down on a carpet over time or due to use of ionizing or electrostatic air filtration systems. Cleaning carpet is an important part of mold remediation and prevention.
Cleaning a carpet is most effective after mold cleaning. Carpeting is porous and may contain cellulose, a plant fiber that fuels mold growth.

Spores in carpet can recontaminate a structure. For this reason, remediation professionals often recommend tearing out porous flooring, airing out the subfloor, completing mold cleanup and drying the area before replacing carpet.

3. Have HVAC Ductwork Cleaned

Scheduling air duct cleaning can keep mold problems from returning. HVAC equipment and ductwork can be inspected for any signs of fungal growth and cleaned to stop spore circulation.

After active growth has been removed, spore counts should be lowered to forestall the recurrence of mold growth. Air filtration, carpet cleaning and duct cleaning can significantly lower spore concentrations at a commercial property in Lafayette, CO.

When To Replace Bathroom Supply Lines

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

Replacing Bathroom Supply Line

The network of pipes that bring clean water and remove dirty water in your home is critical to your enjoyment and health. Nowhere is this more apparent than your bathroom. The sink, toilet, bath, and shower all depend upon a functioning plumbing system. Supply line damage can quickly put a stop to this, not to mention create a water cleanup problem.

The majority of your supply lines are hidden behind walls so it can be hard to see what is going on with them. There are a couple of ways to determine if your pipes are in good shape. A sudden bathroom leak is one indication. A series of leaks over a couple of years is the second sign of trouble.

Replacing and Repairing

Supply line damage in your bathroom demands immediate attention. If the situation allows, you can get by with a quick repair that will stop the leak and replace a section of pipe or a connector. However, if the problem indicates a systemic failure, it might be better to replace all of the pipes at once. You have three excellent options for the type of replacement pipe:

  • PVC pipe
  • Copper pipe
  • Stainless steel pipe

Plastic materials are easy to work with and are generally less expensive. Metal pipes cost more but are better for longevity and often come with lifetime warranties. New pipes will greatly reduce the likelihood of a supply line leak in the near future.

Cleaning Up Water Damage
Major supply line damage in your home in Lafayette, CO, calls for professional services. A water remediation franchise such as SERVPRO is always Here to Help. As soon as you call, a team of trained technicians will arrive at your home and get to work on minimizing damage. Workers will quickly remove water and dry out impacted areas to prevent primary and secondary damage.

Maintaining your plumbing system in your home and working with cleanup professionals can save you time and money.

What Causes Category 1 Water Damage?

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage in an office Water damage in a Valmont, CO office

Discover The Causes Of Category 1 Water Damage

Restoration professionals categorize damage caused by a broken supply line as Category One water damage. Clean water is initially free of contaminants, but its condition can deteriorate within a matter of hours. Discover the causes of Category One water damage and how to prevent these incidents from affecting a commercial facility in Valmont, CO.

A Broken Supply Line
When a pipe breaks, a commercial building may rapidly begin filling with water. All of the following measures can limit damage:

  • Turn off the building water supply
  • Collect as much water as possible
  • Try to prevent damage from intensifying

Water released by a broken line is clean and treated, its condition begins to degrade as soon as it is released into a structure. Water working its way between floors downgrades damage from Category One to Category Two. Water left standing for longer than 24 to 48 hours becomes Category Three damage.

A Pipe With a Leak
A leaky pipe can be a more insidious problem than a broken line, particularly in terms of the potential for major secondary damage. Clean water that drips from a pipe can sustain hidden mold growth and require a combination of water damage restoration and mold remediation.

A Leaky Appliance
Any appliance that has faulty or worn plumbing hardware or connection components may leak water. Repairing connections is essential for appliances to continue functioning properly and to reduce the risk of water damage.

Clean water from a broken pipe is the most common source of Category One water damage. Depending on the condition of the line, water may be either spraying or dripping. The flow rate or a timely shut off will determine the degree of damage to a structure. Turning off the water supply and taking measures to contain a leak can also limit how far water damage spreads through a commercial building in Valmont, CO.

Insurance Covers Damage from Neighboring Buildings

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

Insurance Covers Damage from Neighboring Buildings

Being prepared for anything is important to the success of your Gooding, CO, business. Even if you have developed a fire and storm evacuation plan, conduct regular maintenance and inspections, adhere to city codes, and maintain proper insurance, the unexpected can still happen. If a neighboring building catches on fire and your structure is affected by smoke damage, that preparation will go a long way.

Insurance Coverage
Whether the soot damage and smoke odor are minimal or severe, commercial property insurance will cover the damage. After the incident happens, immediately contact your insurer. Vital information to provide and questions to ask include:

  • Date
  • Location
  • Details regarding the extent of damage
  • Replacement and restoration options
  • Timeline for repairs
  • Options if temporary closure is needed

It is also important to document all the damage by taking videos and photos, as well as obtaining receipts for valuable items. If the damage is severe enough to require shutting down for a period of time, keep track of all expenses associated with the closure.

Professional Cleaning
Even if your building is minimally affected, soot and smoke damage is often difficult to clean. Soot can be dry or oil, the latter of which smears and can increase frustration. If not done properly, foul odors will linger long after repairs are made. To ensure your building is back to normal, fire damage and restoration professionals can handle all the needed repairs and restoration, as well as smoke cleaning services. With expertise and technology on their side, they can eradicate visible and hidden damage.

While the soot may be visible, smoke residue isn’t always noticeable. A certified professional uses various hard-surface cleaning techniques and air filtration devices to clean objects and the air.
Smoke damage can be a tricky problem to deal with. Regardless if the fire was in your building or an adjacent one, get help that is Faster to Any Size Disaster to eliminate any long-term effects.

4 Important Things To Know About Commercial Storm Insurance Coverage

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

Storm damage in a store Storm damage in a Gunbarrel, CO store

Four Things To Understand About Your Storm Policy

What should commercial owners in Gunbarrel, CO, expect when filing a claim for storm insurance? This documentation is a safeguard when significant trouble occurs, and owners require financial assistance to fix the premises and tend to work again.

1. Coverage Kicks in After You Pay the Deductible
Before an agent authorizes insurance coverage payment, proprietors must pay a deductible. This fee is listed in your policy. Sometimes, it even varies depending on what caused the concern. A hurricane may have a different price from hail or thunderstorms. Check to determine your upfront costs.

2. Water Damage Payments Depend on the Moisture's Source
Storm insurance isn't flooded insurance. A policy may exclude water intrusion from bodies of water. If saturation happens from a collapsed roof, broken window or busted pipeline, you may receive funds. A thorough investigation of the fluid's origin is necessary to receive this financial aid.

3. Property Loss Compensation Is Usually Part of the Plan
If a roof collapses or water invades the space, inventory, furniture and documents are possibly harmed. Insurance coverage includes a property loss clause, offering financial reparation for these items.
Some things like electronics may be salvageable but require specialized content cleaning services. Funds are available for this treatment.

4. Remediation and Restoration Are Allowed
Before crews put a place back together, a water and mold restoration company should assess for fungal or bacterial hazards. This step is essential to avoid future complications; thus, it's important to both the agent and commercial owner. Coverage usually allows for it. Using this evaluation, a team should focus on remediating current damage before rebuilding.

Protect your assets and property with a storm insurance policy. Weather systems are unpredictable, and they could leave commercial owners facing mountains of bills to get back to work. Coverage could be a financial lifeline to reopening.

The 4 Stages of Storm Damage Restoration

6/20/2022 (Permalink)

Broken window due to storm wind allowed water in the house If bad weather damages homes in Boulder, CO, homeowners must act quickly.

Storm Damage Restoration in Four Stages

Homeowners must act quickly if adverse weather damages residences in Boulder, CO. The restoration process may take several days, depending on the extent of damage and whether it is necessary to tear out and replace building materials or contents. Trained professionals can swiftly proceed through the four stages of storm damage restoration.

1. Mitigation

It is imperative to limit storm damage. Mitigation may involve tarping over a damaged roof, boarding up broken windows, or other measures to prevent further damage.

2. Water Extraction

Water that is left standing for days will become increasingly contaminated and heighten the risk of mold. If a storm introduces Category Two gray water into a structure, this water can degrade into grossly contaminated Category Three black water within a matter of hours.

Homeowners may rent a pump to remove water or start the process by using a mop or wet vac. Damage mitigation professionals will be able to extract every trace of water and debris more quickly, which can limit water damage and help to prevent secondary damage.

3. Cleanup

It is important to remove debris as well as any damaged materials. It may be necessary to tear out porous building materials or contents saturated with contaminated water, as these materials may be difficult or impossible to clean completely. Every surface and item should be cleaned and disinfected to discourage mold growth.

4. Restoration

The affected area must be dry before restoration begins. The final stage of the process will involve rebuilding damaged portions of a structure and replacing discarded items.

It may take up to a week or longer to restore storm damage. An organized effort to extract water, tear out damage, clean and allow the affected area to dry may continue for several days. A homeowner in can limit the severity of storm damage by immediately contacting storm restoration specialists in Boulder, CO.

3 Common Plumbing Problems in Commercial Buildings

6/9/2022 (Permalink)

Three Plumbing Issues That Affect Commercial Buildings

Your Louisville, CO, commercial building is likely a major investment for you, no matter the industry, so understanding how to maintain its plumbing system and anticipating issues before they happen can help you reduce the risk of building damage, whether the cause is a blocked sewer or a faulty plumbing pipe. 

1. Leaky Pipes 
Over time, your building's pipes may degrade and cause slow leaks that can lead to pipe breaks and moderate to serious flooding. In some cases, you may not discover these leaks right away, especially when pipes are hidden behind cabinet doors or other fixtures. Checking your building's pipes at least annually can prevent this common issue from becoming a major problem. 

2. A Blocked Sewer 
Localized flooding can cause problems with your building's sewers, especially when debris causes a backup. This can also cause other serious issues, such as a toilet overflow in one or more bathrooms. Because this issue is sometimes difficult to predict unless your business is located in a low-lying area, remaining aware of weather patterns and possible flood conditions may help alert you to potential sewer blockages. 

3. Old/Outdated Plumbing 
If you rent or own an older commercial building, then you may run into plumbing issues that cause your building's toilets to flush slowly, weakly, or back up, which can result in a nasty mess. Older copper pipes might also fail, so calling in a water restoration and mitigation service to inspect your older building's plumbing and advise you how to repair it can prevent these problems. 

Your Louisville, CO, business may experience a variety of common plumbing problems that could stem from a blocked sewer or old plumbing pipes, all of which can be alarming. However, when you can anticipate certain issues and practice proper plumbing maintenance, you may avoid costly repairs and the headaches that come with them. 

Tips to Prevent Water Damage During Construction

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

Water Damage Prevention Tips During Construction

Broken water pipes can put a real damper on your construction project. Any resulting water damage could potentially halt construction until the completion of the water pipe repair. This costs both you and the construction contractor time and money. Follow these tips to prevent water damage to your Lafayette, CO, commercial facility.

1. Prevent Foundational Issues

Establish a quality assurance program and director to ensure the correct materials and methods are used to prevent water damage. This includes installing a proper drainage system to direct water away from excavation and construction sites.
Cracks in a building's foundation and walls may develop due to structural flooding during construction. Do not attempt to fix the cracks yourself. Consult with an engineer who can survey the damage and come up with treatment options.

2. Monitor Pipes for Breaks

Create a team assigned solely to water damage prevention and treatment. This is especially important during initial pipe charging due to potential leaks. Monitor the pipes for twenty fours hours after charging in case you need to call an emergency water pipe repair service.
If a broken pipe leaks on an upper floor, the water may trickle down to lower levels, swelling ceilings and walls. Extensive water damage may lead to structural collapse requiring complete reconstruction of affected rooms and areas in the building.

3. Prevent Flooded Structures

Keep pumps and other water removal tools on hand for emergency flood mitigation. Fix any water issues within forty-eight hours to help prevent lasting damage.

Mold formation occurs if water damage isn't resolved quickly enough. Once mold takes hold, it can be difficult to get rid of. A water remediation company would need to be brought in to assess the extent of the infestation and create a plan to eradicate it. 

Follow these tips to prevent costly water damage to your commercial facility. Keep trusted agents on call for water pipe repair and other mitigation efforts through the entire construction process.

7 Steps in the Sewage Cleanup Process

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines clean water damage in a home. When your home requires water damage repair and restoration, our crew is here to help! We're standing by 24/7 to respond to your emergency.

The Sewage Cleanup Process Has Seven Steps

Discovering an overflowing toilet in your Lafayette, CO, home can be a stressful and disgusting experience, especially if it involves sewer issues. The sewage cleanup process puts you in contact with many contaminants, so it's vital to take several steps to ensure safe and thorough disinfection.

1. Protect Everyone

First, keep everyone safe. Turn off the electricity and restrict children and pets. Everyone working in the area must wear personal protective equipment to shield themselves and prevent cross-contamination into other locations. This PPE includes hair covers, protective goggles, respirators, rubber gloves, coveralls and rubber boots.

2. Extract Standing Water

You must eliminate all of the standing water as soon as possible. The best way to do this is with a wet/dry vacuum.

3. Remove Debris

After removing all of the water, you must clear the remaining debris. The wet/dry vacuum is ideal for removing smaller wet debris that can come from a flooded toilet.

4. Remove Contaminated Materials

All contaminated items must be removed so that you can properly clean the affected area. While removing them, you can determine what is salvageable and unsalvageable.

5. Discard Unsalvageable Items During Sewage Cleanup

Discard the unsalvageable materials by placing them in thick plastic trash bags or securely wrapping them in plastic sheeting. This method will help protect against spreading the contaminants to other areas.

6. Wash and Sanitize All Surfaces

After a sewer backup, it's essential to thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces that have come in contact with the contaminated water. Be sure to clean tiny crevices and any surface on which the water could've splashed.

7. Dry Everything Completely

Dry everything totally, including the structural materials and contents. Mold can start forming as quickly as 24 hours of moisture exposure. You can dry everything with fresh air, heaters, fans and dehumidifiers. Flood damage restoration experts have the experience and industrial equipment to do this quickly and thoroughly.

A flood can be disastrous, but the severity is taken to a new level when sewage cleanup is involved. Utilize these tips to perform this job safely and effectively.

5 Tips for Filing a Commercial Fire Claim

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

5 Points To Consider When Filing A Commercial Fire Claim

When fire ravages part of a company's building, owners may turn to insurance for financial assistance. Along with the organization's adjuster, the agent reviews a fire claim, determining whether the blaze's cause falls under the policy. During this process, owners should remain active, following these five steps to minimize obstacles and delays.

1. Get Experts To Secure the Premises

Fires and the methods used to extinguish the flames create holes in the structure, exposing the property to trespassers, critters and natural elements. Seek assistance from a fire restoration company in Boulder, CO, to defend the location from further harm. These professionals assess the grounds, tarp the roof and board up walls and windows.

2. Contact Your Local Agent

Insurance companies have several methods of contact. Reach an agent via phone, mobile application or website. Initiate the claim immediately. This effort demonstrates good faith and reduces concerns that lingering action created more harm to the property.

3. Collect Documentation To Support the Fire Claim

Prove the value of your building and the materials. Locate paperwork that verifies the cost of the monthly rent and utilities. Find the amount for repair parts and replacement. In addition, put together a portfolio of any financial papers that document the cost to replace lost contents.

4. Gather Images of the Fire Damage

Provide visual evidence of destruction. Use a camera to snap photographs of anything ruined by smoke, sparks or water. Include the structure as well as valuable content. Send these to the assigned agent, validating the inventory record.

5. Collaborate With the Insurance Adjuster

The agency may send its adjuster to examine the facility. During the inspection, walk with the professional, pointing out areas of concern. Have a list of questions and concerns to share with the assessor.

Business owners in Boulder, CO, can seek financial aid from an insurance carrier. When filing a fire claim, remain part of the conversation, providing valuable information and documentation to help expedite the process and minimize setbacks.

Why Flood Cuts Are Made During Restoration

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

drywall removal from a water damage A flood cut is a way to tear out damaged materials, provide access behind walls for repairs and increase airflow.

Why Are Flood Cuts Made During Restoration?

Flood cuts serve several important functions inside a commercial structure that has recently been flooded. Restoration professionals may recommend cutting into drywall 12 to 18 inches above the flood line to identify and remove contaminated building materials and promote drying prior to restoration. Find out more about why storm damage cleanup experts may make cuts after flooding at a building in Louisville, CO.

Remove Contaminated Materials

Flood cuts make it easier for restoration professionals to check the condition of several materials in walls. The following substances may need to be torn out and replaced:

  • Drywall
  • Insulation
  • Structural components

A flood cut is a way to tear out damaged materials, provide access behind walls for repairs and increase airflow. This measure is most important when damage that involves contaminated water has occurred.

Speed Up Drying Behind Walls

Flood cuts open up the walls of commercial buildings that have recently been exposed to flooding. If water has saturated drywall or worked its way behind walls in other ways, it can be difficult to promote fast drying without making significant cuts. If the water involved in damage is not contaminated, it may be possible to save walls by drilling small holes behind the baseboard and inserting hoses to circulate air behind walls.

Clear the Way for Rebuilding

Removing damaged drywall and wet insulation lays the groundwork for rebuilding. Once a structure has been cleaned and disinfected to get rid of sources of contamination and then dried thoroughly, the restoration process is ready to proceed.

Commercial building owners and managers who are not sure whether to make flood cuts should seek the expert opinion of damage restoration professionals who specialize in flooding. These specialists can determine the right height for a flood cut to check conditions behind walls, tear out contaminated building materials and speed up drying at a commercial property located in Louisville, CO

Everything You Should Know About Water Damage

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

A room after water damage SERVPRO is trained to handle any water damage disaster. We were called into this home after they experienced a leak that affected the basement.

What You Need To Know About Water Damage

A pipe burst, a rooftop leak or a flooded basement are stressful situations, especially if you are a new homeowner in Superior, CO. Water damage can devastate your home and your belongings if you do not act fast and appropriately. Prepare for these situations by learning more about them, including potential damage causes, the cleaning process, and the restoration of the affected area.

Water Damage Causes

Your house can be damaged by a variety of water-related incidents. As you look for the culprit behind the damage, consider the following causes:

  • Leaking/broken water line and pipes
  • Natural disasters (thunderstorms, tornadoes, etc.)
  • Firefight aftermath
  • Sewage backups
  • Malfunctioning bathtubs, sinks and toilets
  • Leaking water appliances

If possible, repair the source or hire an expert to fix it immediately. Record any information so you can provide it to your insurance company and water damage repair technicians. Consider these likely incidents as you enact preventative measures.

Cleaning Process

Once the pipe burst or leak is controlled, the remediation crew will inspect the damage, remove the water and dry every impacted surface. After those steps are complete, they will move on to cleaning the location. Any water damage, from leaks to flooding, carries some degree of contamination. The professionals guarantee your household's safety by eliminating as many germs as possible. They might use antimicrobial, antibacterial or disinfectant treatments as needed.

Final Restoration

After the damaged area is completely sanitized, the crew will start the restoration process. This service can be as minor as repainting walls, repairing wet drywall and installing new carpet. It can also be as extensive as rebuilding entire sections of the building. The employees will try to repair contents as much as possible to keep your expenses low. They will only replace when the material has been damaged beyond salvation.

Disasters that cause water damage such as a flood, a broken appliance and a pipe burst can be overwhelming, especially if it is your first time dealing with them. Learn everything you can to anticipate these specific circumstances.

3 Steps for Fixing a Beeping Smoke Detector

4/7/2022 (Permalink)

How To Repair A Beeping Smoke Detector In 3 Easy Steps

Protecting your Erie, CO, home and family from a fire with smoke detectors is a simple and cost-effective safety measure. You can install these devices on every floor, the presence of a fire alarm in each location might give you peace of mind each time you leave your home or go to sleep at night. However, if you notice one or more of your alarms chirping or beeping, it may need maintenance and there are a few steps you can take to resolve the problem.

1. Check the Battery

Your smoke alarm cannot protect your home from fire damage if the battery is not allowing it to function correctly. If the unit is beeping every few minutes, open the battery compartment and check the battery's connection. If it does not appear loose, then you may need to change the battery. A good rule of thumb is to change and check the alarm every fall and spring during the time change.

2. Inspect Your Thermostat

Environmental changes may cause your fire alarm to beep unexpectedly. If this happens and you know the battery is not the problem, then check your thermostat to ensure the room is not too humid. If this is a problem, use a ceiling or floor fan to lower the condensation levels. Opening windows during humid weather can also help.

3. Check for Internal Damage

If your unit was installed during a previous fire in your home, it may have smoke damage to its internal parts. A fire damage and restoration service can help you decide whether you need new smoke detectors installed and assist you with other fire prevention measures as well, such as checking your home for potential fire hazards and formulating an evacuation plan.

Having a working fire alarm in your Erie, CO, home can help you feel confident that your family is well protected. Scheduling regular maintenance for each unit in your home at least twice a year may prevent malfunction and the kind of serious damage that house fires cause.

3 Ways To Avoid Mold After a Flood

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

drywall removal from a water damage from a roof leak Some building materials are more prone to mold growth. Molds feed on cellulose plant fiber, which is found in drywall.

3 Tips For Avoiding Mold After A Flood

Flooding can severely damage structures in Lafayette, CO, and mold may continue to cause problems even after an immediate response to water damage. It is important to take these three timely measures to mitigate water damage and manage risk factors for mold growth.

1. Extract Standing Water

One of the most decisive factors for a mold infestation is the presence of standing water or residual moisture in the days after a structure floods. Extracting water with pumps, a mop or a wet vac is the first step toward preventing surfaces from staying saturated long enough for mold to start multiplying, which can occur in as little as two to three days.

2. Tear Out Ruined Building Materials

Some building materials are more prone to support mold growth than others. Drywall and carpet both contain the plant fiber cellulose, which serves as a food source for mold. When moisture remains present for 48 hours or longer, mold may start to form on or in these materials. Most storm damage restoration experts recommend tearing out and replacing porous materials.

3. Disinfect and Dry the Affected Area

Once any materials exposed to flooding that cannot be thoroughly disinfected have been torn out, all remaining surfaces and contents should be disinfected. Drying the area as quickly as possible makes an environment less conducive for microbes such as bacteria and mold. Air movers and fans can increase circulation, and a dehumidifier can maintain relative humidity levels between 30% and 50% to discourage fungus growth.

Extracting water as soon as possible after a flood and proceeding to remove ruined materials, clean and disinfect the portion of a structure exposed to water damage and maintain low indoor humidity levels reduces the risk of mold growth. Restoration professionals can recommend further measures to ensure that mold does not pose a problem at a commercial property in Lafayette, CO.

What, Exactly, Is a Flood Cut?

3/17/2022 (Permalink)

drywall removal from a water damage from a roof leak When disaster strikes, call SERVPRO. Our staff is available 24/7, 365 and can help with all types of flood damage restoration. Call us.

What Is A Flood Cut, And What Does It Mean?

If you want to give your business the best possible care in the aftermath of a flood, you need to know exactly what your flood restoration company has in store for your building. One of the most common procedures performed after severe flooding is a flood cut, a service performed by professional restoration companies in Niwot, CO, to mitigate damage and restore materials that have already been damaged by the flood waters. There are a few noteworthy things to know about this process:

  • It’s done to preserve your business’s remaining drywall.
  • It cuts off an additional length of drywall to prevent contamination.
  • It’s not always necessary; that depends on the type of flood water.

The Cutting Line

While this process is done to preserve the majority of your drywall, it’s typically not just the damaged materials that are removed during a flood cut. Instead, the restoration crew will begin cutting between 12 and 18 inches above where the water damage ends. This is done so that moisture issues behind the wall can be addressed as well, reducing the likelihood for mold growth and other problems in the future.

Preventing Contamination

Typically, you only need to worry about a tear out if your flood water is ranked as water category 3. During this type of flooding, the water can be contaminated with bacteria, sewage or other harmful wastes. When dealing with this type of water, it’s always best to perform a flood cut to completely remove the affected walls in order to reduce the likelihood of contamination to the rest of your building.

Dealing with flooding in Niwot, CO, is never fun or convenient. However, by knowing what your building is in for, you can better prepare your business and your employees for emergency situations and restoration work in the years to come.

4 Benefits of a Claims Inventory System

3/14/2022 (Permalink)

Facilities from a restoration company The SERVPRO Claims Information System is one of many features that can help an agent or adjuster settle an insurance claim.

A Claims Inventory System Has 4 Advantages

Insurance companies prefer to work with mitigation and restoration services that maintain up-to-date systems. The SERVPRO Claims Information System enables an insurance agent to access the information he or she needs to process and settle an insurance claim. Here are four benefits of this system.

1. Access To Individual Claim Information

Insurance agents and adjusters can gain access to information for each claim through the Claims Information System. Local franchises upload damage information and estimates to an internal database. Documentation is then made available to representatives of property owners' insurance providers to facilitate the claim process.

2. Ease of Data Comparison and Research

Agents and adjusters can also access information to ensure that each estimate falls within the normal range nationwide and for the region, state, county or surrounding area of Boulder, CO. Discrepancies may be due to extenuating factors for a particular job, such as secondary damage. A claims inventory system makes it easy to sort data based on causes of loss, types of claims and job costs.

3. Shorter Processing Times

It may take less time to process an insurance claim if all of the information about the job is available in one convenient online resource. Insurers can access updated information at any time, which should prevent delays due to communication. An estimate that accounts for both damage mitigation and restoration may make it easier to settle a claim.

4. Updated Estimates and Job Information

Experienced mitigation professionals and the option for pretesting can increase the accuracy of initial estimates. If additional damage becomes apparent later in the mitigation or restoration process, this information is made available to agents and adjusters through the claims inventory system.

Insurance companies seek out Preferred Vendors for mitigation and restoration services. The SERVPRO Claims Information System is one of many features that can help an agent or adjuster settle an insurance claim.

How Does an Electronic Claims Service Work?

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

Truck from a restoration company An electronic claims service connects local SERVPRO franchises with the national corporation.

What Is an Electronic Claims Service and How Does It Work?

An electronic claims service provides insurance agents and adjusters with information about individual claims and collected data. SERVPRO maintains this service to support insurance claim processing and settlement. Find out how this electronic service can make settling claims easier and faster.

Restoration Professionals Upload Estimates

Local franchises upload information to an internal corporate database. Estimates and claim information are then made available to insurers thorough an electronic claims service. Agents and adjusters can access several types of information to process and settle a claim:

  • Causes of loss
  • Types of damage
  • Estimates

The availability of this information can relieve property owners of some of the burden of providing documentation to insurers. In addition to viewing this information, most insurers will also arrange to have an adjuster inspect the damage.

Agents and Adjusters Access Claim Information

An electronic claims service supports every stage of the claims process. An insurance agent or adjuster can access information related to a claim at any time. The service also provides access to collected data from across the country and makes it possible to narrow results to the same region, state, county or local area as a particular job. This data helps make sure that an insurance claim is in line with averages and can make it easier to account for additional costs.

Claim Updates Are Made Available

Insurance company representatives can find updated information on a claims service throughout the mitigation and restoration process. If additional damage is discovered, this information will be made available. Insurers can use this service to determine whether this damage is covered.

An electronic claims service connects local SERVPRO franchises with the national corporation. In turn, this service also supports communication between the mitigation and restoration service and insurance companies. Settling an insurance claim may be faster and less stressful when information is available online for a property in Valmont, CO.

6 Steps To Follow After Unwanted Water Has Entered Your Home

3/1/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning a house after water damage We have the inspection and drying team to restore your home to its pre-water damage condition. SERVPRO will do it "as if it never happened".

Following These 6 Steps After Unwanted Water Has Entered Your Home

Water damage to your home in Lafayette, CO, is never a welcome occurrence. Whether from broken pipes, toilet overflow or storm flooding, it’s important to act quickly when your home has unwanted water present. Damage can be minimized by following these six steps to assess and remedy the situation.

1. Identify the Source

Locate the source of the intruding water and stop the flow, if possible. If it’s coming from a burst pipe, plumbing fixture, or appliance, shut off the source. You may be able to do this locally, such as closing the valves under a sink or at the base of a toilet, or you may need to shut off your home’s main water supply. If you can’t identify the source, it is recommended to seek professional help immediately.

2. Shut Off Power

Staying safe is imperative when evaluating water damage. Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Unplug electronics and turn off power to the home if there is pooling moisture present.

3. Begin Water Cleanup

Get rid of standing water by any means available. If there is a safe power source, a shop vacuum can quickly remove any liquid. A sump pump is useful if there is a large volume of standing water in a basement. Buckets can be utilized for bailing water when electricity is not accessible. Use mops and towels to soak up remaining moisture. Remove saturated items such as area rugs and upholstered furniture.

4. Start Drying

Utilize fans to circulate air. Open windows and doors if weather conditions allow. If large areas are impacted, a dehumidifier can help speed up drying.

5. Dispose of Damaged Property

If they have gotten wet, some items cannot be salvaged. Responsibly get rid of permanently damaged property.

6. Clean and Disinfect

Many sources of water such as toilets, sewers and flooding following severe weather are teeming with harmful bacteria. Carefully clean and disinfect all affected property once it is completely dry.

The key to working with water damage is acting quickly. By removing all water, completely drying, cleaning and disinfecting all items and surfaces involved, you have a better chance of minimizing losses.

Four Things to Do After a Fire

2/4/2022 (Permalink)

A home after fire damage restoration Our team at SERVPRO of Lafayette/Louisville are trained to restore and remediate after fire damage. We clear the affected area and sanitize your home.

After A Fire, There Are Four Things You Should Do.

Being the victim of a fire in Superior, CO can be devastating. First the flames hit, then came the fire hoses, and now you are looking at your home and possessions with questions: what do I do now, who do I call and what is fire restoration. Here are four things to think about once you are faced with soot, smoke and damage cleaning.

1. Don't Spread the Debris

Try to minimize how much you move around the damaged areas once you return to your home. The more you move around your rooms, the more soot particles attach to your hands and shoes. When you move from a damaged room to an untouched room you can track the debris into a previously clean room.

2. Remove Damaged Items Safely

Start the fire restoration process by removing damaged items. Objects with soot or smoke damage, such as dishes, books and artwork, can be easily removed. However, some items can be harder to move because they've become water logged. Rugs, sofas and carpeting can be deceptively heavy and should be carefully withdrawn.

3. Get the Soot Out

Soot, the fine particulate matter that can land on every surface, needs to be completely removed to mitigate both its impact and potential for future damage. Flat surfaces are the most visible places for soot to land, but it can also end up on vertical blinds, light bulbs and porous air filters.

4. Don't Try to Wash It Away

Electrical appliances need to be assessed for damage before they get cleaned. Likewise, upholstery, woodwork and painted surfaces should be cleaned by professionals who know the right cleansers for each surface. You want to ensure that both fire and smoke damage are addressed during cleanup.

A fire can be a devastating catastrophe in Superior, CO if you don't know the fire restoration process. Following a few simple steps can make that process much easier.

SERVPRO Is Prepared for Major Storms

2/4/2022 (Permalink)

a home after storm damage Storm damage at this house resulted when a French door window was broken by flying debris during a storm. Fortunately, they called SERVPRO for help.

SERVPRO Is Ready For Storms Of Any Size

What happens when a Valmont, CO, disaster recovery company doesn't have the equipment it needs? When a significant storm or disaster strikes, local companies aren't always prepared for an adequate storm response. The company many not have the necessary equipment or workforce to handle cleanup to the necessary expense. This is especially true when commercial properties are hit during a natural catastrophe.

• Hospitals and associated facilities require immediate disaster response services.
• Property managers are responsible for the safety of people in and around buildings.
• Universities and schools have large numbers of people and supplies onsite.
• Government facilities and program shutdowns affect many employees and members of the public.

Access to Corporate Resources

Fortunately, SERVPRO disaster recovery franchises have access to corporate resources. When local communities are hit by tornadoes, blizzards, or floods, storm response teams are mobilized from a network of carefully positioned centers. This means that if a blizzard knocks out power and services to a small community, resources from larger metropolitan areas can be used in response.

Preferred Vendor Status

The storm damage company works closely with many insurance companies and is often a preferred vendor. Residential and commercial customers may find they can get the go-ahead from their insurance providers for cleanup and recovery efforts more quickly when working with an approved storm damage recovery company.

Specialized Catastrophe Division

In the case of a true catastrophe, SERVPRO has a large loss division with specialists who have been trained to handle disasters of any size and specifically for exceptionally large disasters. These teams are ready to handle events like the Hurricane Katrina or California wildfires. The specialized team travels with resources pulled from more than 1,700 franchises and with access to a broad network of command centers.

When Valmont, CO, needs professional disaster recovery services, SERVPRO has the people, the equipment, and the training to help communities get back on track. They can step in when other options aren't enough.

How Do Cities Prevent Flooding?

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

How Do Cities Keep Floods At Bay?

Urban planners and hydrologists around the world use a variety of methods to manage high water levels. Some of the following methods may be helpful for managing heavy rains or rising bodies of water in Louisville, CO.

Barriers, Dams, Gates and Levees

Some of the most common urban flood prevention methods involve controlling the rise and flow of bodies of water. A variety of methods are used on coasts, rivers and lakes:

  • Barriers, self-closing or manual
  • Dams, with or without conservation storage
  • Tide gates
  • Levees

These options are suited for different bodies of water. Barriers and dams are both used on inland waterways, whereas levees and tide gates tend to be situated in estuaries or sloughs.

Diversion Canals and Floodways

Flood control channels may be useful for cities that regularly experience heavy rainfall. A channel or canal can divert high water to several locations:

  • Man-made channels
  • Temporary holding ponds
  • Other bodies of water

These methods can direct water away from developed areas toward locations less likely to be harmed by flooding. These channels may run on the surface in basins or underground.

Flood Plains and Rain Gardens

Groundwater replenishment by diversion is a stormwater management method that is increasingly being implemented in environmentally-conscious cities. Rain gardens function by slowing down the pace of drainage, whereas floodplain restoration projects may aim to reduce flooding, recharge groundwater and restore aquatic ecosystems.

Cities around the world rely on these methods to stop flooding. The most important factors to consider include the source and patterns of high water levels. If a commercial property is located on a floodplain in Louisville, CO, the owner should obtain flood insurance coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program or in the form of an endorsement to a commercial property insurance policy. This coverage is necessary to restore damage caused by flooding, which is excluded from most property policies.

The 4 Steps of the Roof Damage Cleanup Process

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Roof damage in a building Storm damage occurred at this Louisville shopping center damaging the roof of the building. The weight of the water was just too great for the ceiling

The Roof Damage Cleanup Process In Four Steps

Many people think of flooding as something that happens at the base of a building. Flood waters rise and break over barriers to flood the basement and bottom floors. Another common flooding problem associated with storms, however, is a roof leak. If the roof of your commercial building in Lafayette, CO, gets damaged, rain can seep in and cause further problems. Here are the steps to resolve those problems.

1. Drying Area

The first thing that has to happen when missing shingles cause water damage in your attic or top floor is for all the excess water to be removed. Water remediation professionals use industrial pumps to remove standing water. They may increase airflow in the affected area to dry surfaces. Making sure the area is dried quickly can help prevent secondary damage such as mold growth.

2. Removing Damage

If the roof leak is significant, there may be a lot of damage not just to the roof but also to the layers of the building directly underneath it. Waterlogged walls or ceilings are no longer structurally sound. Materials have to be torn out if they cannot be salvaged.

3. Disinfecting Surfaces

Because flood water is contaminated, everything it touches must be sanitized. Professional strength cleaners are used to remove bacteria and other harmful substances. Afterwards, the surfaces can be tested to ensure that they are clean.

4. Rebuilding Roof

After the cleaning is finished, the technicians repair the damaged roof. They make sure the base is strong and well-sealed against further leaks. Then they replace the shingles that are broken or missing. If any interior parts need to be rebuilt, they can do that as well.

A roof leak doesn’t always show signs of significant damage at first, so it’s important not to forget the roof in your inspection after a flood. You can avoid further problems by addressing any roof issues in a timely manner.

A Timeframe for Damage Restoration Response

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in a home. This homeowner experienced water damage in his home after a large volume of water flowed from a burst water main. SERVPRO responded immediately.

An Estimated Timeline For Damage Restoration

Owners of homes that have sustained damage should start the mitigation and restoration process as soon as possible. Leading restoration companies are always open and can respond to a call, provide an on-site consultation, and offer a verbal briefing within a 24 hour window. Learn more about the timeframe for responding to any type of damage.

Call Response

A fast call response within one hour is ideal for a mitigation and restoration service. The initial communication should cover the following information about damage:

  • Location
  • Type
  • Extent

The next step is scheduling a consultation. For the best results, homeowners should make this call within a 24 hour period after damage occurs.

On-Site Consultation

Experts should arrive on location within four hours of a call response. These professionals can assess the degree of damage and recommend strategies to avoid additional damage. Homeowners should document damage for insurance purposes before taking any mitigation measures.

Verbal Briefing

A company should provide a verbal briefing within eight hours of an on-site assessment. This briefing should provide an overview of the remediation process:

  • Mitigation measures
  • Cleaning methods
  • Restoration timeline

Each of these factors will impact the duration of the cleanup and rebuilding process and the overall estimate. A one-stop shop can oversee this process from start to finish.

Estimate and Schedule

A company can then provide an estimate for homeowners to forward to their insurance provider. Depending on the cause and type of damage, an insurer may or may not cover losses. Limits may also apply. Homeowners should review the terms of their coverage prior to filing a claim.

A mitigation and restoration company should provide a fast response and clear description of mitigation and restoration procedures. It may also be possible to obtain mitigation services within a 24 hour period, such as boarding up or tarping over structural damage at a residence in Valmont, CO.

Don’t Throw It Out: Content Cleaning After a Fire

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Fire in a garage The fire damaged some items in this garage. SERVPRO was able to make an efficient cleanup of the burnt items and the deodorizing of the affected area.

Content Cleaning After A Fire: Don't Throw It Out

Don’t throw it out! Did you know that many of your personal belongings may be saved after a disaster? If you have had a fire in your home in Niwot, CO, damage may include smoke, soot, water or mold. Disaster mitigation companies offer content cleaning because they know you value saving money and they know that some belongings that hold a deeper meaning to your family.

When It Can’t Be Scrubbed

You know some things can be scrubbed with or abrasives or immersed in water, but what about the things that can’t? Here are some ways that specialists can help save your items.

• Dry-Cleaning. This is a great method for removing soil and odors from fabric and clothing.

• Cavitation. This is an ultrasonic method for cleaning soot and smoke from the nooks and crannies of non-porous items such as, jewelry, records, glasses, and kitchenware.

• Foam Cleaning. When items are too big to pack off for dry-cleaning, foam cleaning can help. This is great for cleaning upholstered items, like sofas, chairs, and mattresses.

• Electronics Cleaning. Soot and smoke can cause corrosion of metal inside your electronic items. This can lead to failure and safety issues. Specialists may be able to clean your electronics by taking them apart and carefully removing the soot from all surfaces.

• Document Saving. Sometimes documents can’t be fully restored, but professionals have many ways to ensure the documents are completely dry to prevent further damage.

Removal and Storage

The right company can offer you climate-controlled storage of your personal belongings to further prevent damage of items during the home restoration stage. Content storage also enables the experts to focus on cleaning methods for each of your personal belongings, which are documented in great detail, including photo and description.

So, don’t be hasty to throw out items since dry-cleaning and other techniques can be used to help save your belongings. When you work with a professional fire mitigation company, they will guide you through the process of what can be saved and what must be trashed.

Mold Damage and Insurance Coverage: 3 Common Questions

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

3 Common Questions About Mold Damage And Insurance Coverage

One of the most effective ways to protect your Boulder, CO, home from costly damage is by investing in homeowner’s insurance. From fire to theft, many different instances are covered. However, some issues, such as widespread fungus growth, may not have guaranteed coverage. If you are unsure about what your current policy covers, there are a few questions you can ask your local insurance agent to gain better peace of mind when it comes to protecting your home.

1. Does a Basic Policy Cover Mold Damage?

Most homeowner’s insurance does not cover circumstances that are most likely to cause mold growth, such as flooding from torrential rains or other weather events. If you live in an area that sees a lot of rain and high humidity, then it is a good idea to invest in a separate mold coverage policy that protects your home against such conditions.

2. Are Preventable Issues Covered?

Most insurance companies require you to perform regular maintenance around your home, especially in the case of fungus growth. For example, if you let your home’s roof fall into disrepair and melting ice and snow causes a leak in the attic that encourages mold growth, your policy is not likely to cover the damage. Keeping your home in good shape can prevent these issues and the costly repairs they may cause.

3. Is Mold Cleanup Covered By Insurance?

Whether homeowner’s insurance covers mold cleanup can depend on individual circumstances. For instance, if a kitchen water pipe bursts without warning and you do all you can to shut the water off and prevent further flooding, your policy will likely cover the cost of repair by a flood damage and restoration service. Buying separate mold insurance is one of the most effective ways to ensure complete coverage.

Fighting fungus growth at your Boulder, CO, home can be a frustrating experience. However, when you understand what type of support your homeowner’s policy offers, you may feel greater peace of mind when repairs are necessary.

Fire and Smoke Damage: Replacing Money

1/3/2022 (Permalink)

Thermal Fogging If your home or business suffers soot and smoke damage after a fire, give SERVPRO a call. Our team of fire damage experts will restore it efficiently.

Money To Replace After A Fire Or Smoke Damage

When most people think of smoke damage, they typically think of structural damage or even damage to artwork and other material goods. However, how often do they consider currency? Money is often damaged in fires, and people are often left confused about how to handle replacement. Unfortunately, some may even chalk it up as a lost cause. Fortunately, money can be replaced when damaged but you need to have evidence of the damage.

1. Preserving Damaged Bills

In order to present evidence, you need to preserve the money. You should first take a picture of the money in the location it was damaged. Then, you can try to wrap each bill in plastic wrap to mitigate any further damage.

2. Exchanging at a Federal Reserve Bank

As smoke damage can lead to irreversible damage and even the inability to read the value of the bill, you should exchange any damaged money. However, you cannot trade the bills at any bank. You will need to find your regional Federal Reserve Bank or mail the bills to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

3. Handling Damaged or Melted Coins

While most soot damage can be cleaned from coins, some coins may have melted or been damaged in the fire. Again, you will need to replace these at your regional Federal Reserve Bank, or you can mail coins to the U.S. Mint.

4. Calling for Assistance

As a specialist in smoke cleaning, a fire remediation specialist in the Louisville, CO, area may be able to help you find numbers and details of damaged money experts. You can also reach out to your regional Federal Reserve Bank or contact the Department of the Treasury directly.

Fire and smoke damage can leave money unusable. Fortunately, you can replace marred currency through the appropriate channels, as long as you have the bills or coins to prove the damage.


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